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 1. Total Picture Radio With Peter Clayton Reporting  Who Are You? Executive Coach Judy Rosemarin on the magic of Storytelling in a job search Who Are You? Judy Rosemarin on Storytelling The Magic of Storytelling in a Job Search  Total Picture Radio with Peter Clayton 
 2. Marissa Cooke  Digital Storytelling - Same, Same but Different  LAMP 
 3. Eddie Eagle  Folksy or Storytelling  Voice123 
 4. Brooks Jensen, Editor, LensWork Publishing  LW0333 - Storytelling  LensWork Podcasts on Photography and the Creative Process 
 5. Gary Petty  Beyond Today: Tribal Storytelling  2008 Beyond Today 
 6. Dina Yoshimi  Language learning through storytelling  HPR Points of Contact 
 7. Dina Yoshimi  Language learning through storytelling  HPR Points of Contact 
 8. Dr Valerio Massimo Manfredi  Storytelling & History Writing: Which Came First?  ANU-TOYOTA Public Lecture Series 
 9. Gary Petty  Beyond Today: Tribal Storytelling  2008 Beyond Today 
 10. NASA's Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum  Storytelling: The Maiden of the Milky Way  Sun-Earth Education - NASA 
 11. Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum  Storytelling: Wandering Planets  Sun-Earth Education - NASA 
 12. Sun-Earth Connection Education Forum  Storytelling: Wandering Planets  Sun-Earth Education - NASA 
 13. Anna Farmery  Show # 077 - The Power of Storytelling  The Engaging Brand: Leadership, Branding, Career Management 
 14. Victoria Ha, Stitch Media; James Milward, Secret Location Inc.; Mark Pytlik, Stink Digital; Phil Stuart, Preloaded; Rick Webb, The Barbarian Group  The Future of Visual Storytelling is Interactive -- Or Is It?  SXSW Interactive 2009 
 15. K. Sean Buvala www.seantells.com  NonProfit Storytelling Clips Part One  www.executivespeakertraining.com 
 16. K. Sean Buvala  Storytelling in Business Podcast Episode 5  www.seantells.net 
 17. Dale Doubleday and Cheryl Colan  Digital Storytelling at Phoenix College  Ocotillo OLG Meeting Dec 2005 
 18. Dale Doubleday and Cheryl Colan  Digital Storytelling at Phoenix College  Ocotillo OLG Meeting Dec 2005 
 19. Eric James Wolf  Interview #091 Sherry Norfolk – Why storytelling should be in Schools.  The Art of Storytelling with Brother Wolf 
 20. Lloyd, Stadenco, Mike Prieto, Jymmi, Neo  AP Storytelling Afterhours Party July 2007   
 21. Bud the Teacher  The Podcast: Creating Resources for Digital Storytelling  www.budtheteacher.com 
 22. James Baraz  2009-05/28 The Storytelling Monk, Swami Sarveshwarananda Giri  IMCB IMCB Regular Talks http://www.insightberkeley.org/ 
 23. Shauna LeBlanc, University of Central Florida; James Hogg, University of Central Florida; Atsusi Hirumi, University of Central Florida  Storytelling: A Practical Method for Facilitating Knowledge Management  2006 AECT Convention Podcasts 
 24. Eric James Wolf  SWC #067 Grandaddy Junebug = Mitch Capel - Poetry and Storytelling  The Art of Storytelling with Children 
 25. Wesley A. Fryer  Podcast227: Digital Storytelling Through the Eyes of a Child by Christy Paradise  Moving at the Speed of Creativity Podcasts 
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